<aside> 💡 My most meaningful page so far, this page is a personalised page of life learnings. It could be from a movie, a book, a random quote, or something someone said. I’ve written down my example and feel free to remake your own ✨😊 This is not a list carved in stone and I always update and edit my personal list.


32 Life-Enhancing Learnings ← A great example by Peter Duffy


  1. Small circle. Private life. Happy heart. Clear mind. Peaceful life. → my mantra ✨
  2. Be unapologetic about what you like.
  1. Wake up early at 6 and sleep early.
  3. If you do not choose when to rest, your body will choose for you.
  4. Pick your battles. Not everything is worth fighting for, and some things are worth fighting for even if you think you will lose.
  5. Confidence isn’t ‘I know they will like me’. Confidence is ‘I’ll be okay whether they like me or not.’
  6. There’s power in progressing in silence.
  7. Just because it feels a little uncomfortable doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it. Everyone is friendly, but you have to go first.
  8. If you are overwhelmed and feel like you are disappearing in the repeating schedules, it’s okay to take a rest.
  9. Effort reflects interest.

😄 People and the World

  1. Be genuinely interested in people, and make them feel important.
  2. Remember that a person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language.
  3. You can’t protect yourself from pain without also protecting yourself from happiness.